Saturday, 26 January 2008

1'|\/| b31|\|9 r4|\|D0|\/| XP (I'm being random XD)

For all you Noobs who cant read leet,please refer to the translation below XD(Hahaha okay you know im kidding about you all being noobs right?XD)

#0# 0{4% $0 1 4\/ b0r3P 4\P 1 -4\/3 4 $594r r5$-!(P53 70 -4\/1\9 \/r.$07% 1(3 (r34\/ 0r #5\(- 4 \/1\573 490 XP) $0 1 P3(1P3P 70 \/\/r173 7-1$ p0$7..4## 1\ 1337(#337 7-47 1$) -4-4-4 XP $0 %3$- 70P4% \/\/4$ 4 b0r1\9 P4% 0.0..1 \/\/4$ b5$% $#33p1\9 4\P Pr34\/1\9 4b057 00P(\/\/-47 3#$3?#0#) 7-3\ \/% \/0\/ -4P 70 (0\/3 1\ 4\P Pr49 \/3 05774 b3P 70 90 70 7-3 73\/p#3 7____7 \/% p3/-\(3p-_L $#33p 7____7 4- \/\/3##..7-3\ 47 4r05\P 91$- 4\\3 \/$93P \/3 4${1\9 1 1 \/\/4$ r33 4\P 4\/\/4{3 (45$3 $-3 \/\/4\73P 70 90 70 \/.0.3 4\P #473r 70 $(-00#..-4-4 $0 1 \/\/3\7 -0\/3 907 (-4\93P 4\P $-3 Pr0\/3 5$ 0\/3r 7-3r3 xP

\/\/3 907 {1\P4 #0$7..4941\ XP 4--4-4 \/\/3## \07 \/3r% #0$7 #4..\/\/3 j5$7 0r907 -0\/\/ 70 937 70 b#0({ ( XP b57 \/3- \/\/3 \/4P3 17 4\%\/\/4%..7-3 #4P% 47 7-3 (05\73r \/\/4$ 4(754##% \1(3(5\#1{3 \/0$7 \/\/-0 $(0\/\/# 47 %05 4\P 937 p1$$3P (45$3 7-3% 907 P\/$ 0r \/\/-473\/3r) 7-3 #4P% \/\/4$ 4(754##% 5\\% 4\P 5\/\/ \1(3 4\P $-3 3xp#41\3P $75 pr0p3r#% -4-4-4 $0 473r 7-47 \/\/3 \/\/3\7 70 $(-00#(\/P 7-47 1$)

\0 p4r{1\9 =.=; \/\/3 \/\/3\7 r05\P 3rrrr 5 71\/3$ 4\P $71## \0 p4r{1\9 $0 1\4##% \/\/3 P3(1P3P 70 p4r{ $0\/3\/\/-3r3 P0\/\/\$741r$ 4\P \/\/4#{ 5p 1\ 7-3 $5p3r -07 $5\ @@ 70P4% \/3r% -07 #4---! >< -4-4 $0 \/\/3 \/\/3\7 (4r33r$ P3p7..(4\\07 1\P \/% 9P 734(-3r 4\%\/\/-3r3 0.0 $0 \/\/3 90 {4(45 -3r 1\ (#4$$ -4-4-4-4..$-3 \/\/4$ 057$1P3 (#4$$ 7-0..-4-4 4\P $-3 $41P $-3'P \/337 5$ 1\ 10 \/1\573$ #0# $0 \/\/3 \/\/3\7 b4({ 70 \/\/417 0r -3r 47 7-3 (4r33r'$ p#4(3..7-3\ %34- $-3 74#{3P 70 j04\\3 4\P \/3 b31\9 \/% 5$54# (5r105$ $3#..{3p7 4${1\9 q53$710\$ -4-4-4 4\P 734(-3r \/\/4$ #1{3 "%05'r3 7-3 4${1\9 700 \/4\% q53$710\$ {1\P 0 p3r$0\" #0# -4-4-4


Lol okay so I am bored and i have a sugar rush!(due to having Mr.Softy Ice Cream for lunch a minute ago XD) so i decided to write this post..all in 1337(leet that is) hahaha XD so yesh today was a boring day o.o..i was busy sleeping and dreaming about food(what else?lol) then my mom had to come in and drag me outta bed to go to the temple T____T my peacefulsleep T____T ah well..then at around 9ish anne msged me asking if i was free and awake cause she wanted to go to M.O.E and later to school..haha so i went home got changed and she drove us over there xD

We got kinda lost..again XD ahhaha well not very lost la..we just forgot how to get to block C XD but meh we made it anyway..the lady at the counter was actually nice(unlike most who scowl at you and get pissed cause they got PMS or whatever) the lady was actually funny and umm nice and she explained stuff properly hahaha so after that we went to school(MD that is)

No parking =.=; we went round errrr 5 times and still no parking so finally we decided to park somewhere downstairs and walk up in the super hot sun @@ today very hot lahhh! INSERTED> [XD..haha so we went career's dept..cannot find my gp teacher anywhere 0.0 so we go kacau her in class HAHAHAHA..she was outside class tho..and she said she'd meet us in 10 minutes -ish so we went back to wait for her at the career's place..then later she talked to joanne and me being my usual curious self..kept asking questions HaHaHa and teacher was like "you're the asking too many questions type of person" LOOOL HAHAHA]

1 -4\/3 \07-1\9 70 P0 70P4% 7____7 4\P \/\/3## 1 33# $0 r13\P#3$$!(4\\32,1 7-1\{ %05'r3 7-3 0\#% 0\3 \/\/-0 {\0\/\/$ \/\/-47 1 \/34\ xP) -4-4 \/\/-1(- 1$ \/\/-% 7-1$ p4r7 1$ 90\\4 $74% #3373P XP -4-4-4 4- \/\/3## 1 b3773r r5\ b30r3 \/\/r171\9 \/0r3.....\/\/31rP $75 XP

Not So Translated XD :

I have nothing to do today T____T and well i feel so _______ (annez,i think you're the only one who knows what i mean xD) haha which is why this part is gonna stay leeted XD hahaha ah well i better run before writing more.....weird stuff XD Cya~

Edit : I just noticed after "today very hot lah" some stuff kena cut off due to my lame net connection XD so there i added it in liao hahaha XD


Anonymous said...

port leyley walk up under the hot sun... its better 2 put sunblock in her car js incase things like this happen again hahahaha

Anonymous said...

sunblock?lol sunblock very oily ler xD haha well that was just a random post so yea o.o; haha