Yesh and im stuck between these know why?XD I love languages, i love to write and i love to talk!XD that goes for option no.1. Then again I love travelling, I love Cooking =O(weird i know) and I love Food & Beverage management! So like i stuck lol..Can anyone see me doing any of these in the future?HAHAHA xD
I had some comments from a few friends tho ..Ping said me choosing hospitality and tourism is a good thing!cause whenever i tell her about food she says that she gets hungry and her stomach starts growling me talking to people can...make them hungry?LOL now thats the funniest comment i've ever heard XD Hahaha..then again, Leen said she cant see me doing these jobs so now im even more confused on what to take LOL, what to do what to do?what to choose what to choose?Anyone have any comments for these 2?Anyone at all?someone save me!XDXDXD
Actually, I'd have taken computer gaming or something but my math SUCKS(seriously it does o.o) My parents have always been good at math and yet, out comes me who is totally blank at math x_X really i try and try and tryyyy to get Math(im talking about pure math,stats and mechs i can grab) i just cant X_X so technically since computer stuffs need a GREAT deal of Math,i suppose i'd just be doing the same thing i did at A lvls which would be..sucking at it..because when people can do 7+5 in less than a second..i take like..3-4 LOL xD ah well enough bout math xD
I got a new book today!(2 actually but lol)and i'm in LOVE with it!(altho it weighs 2 kilograms x_X) and it costs relatively cheap for a book/dictionary of this size o.o; $62 bucks! hahaha XD (I know it looks small but believe me it isnt xD)
(when compared to the final harry Potter Book in size)
(compared to the harry potter book in thickness.okay i know its upside down but who cares XD)
Yesh if you saw the title of the book and was thinking "why in the world did you buy that book?" the answer is because i LOVE mythology..okay not LOVE..its more like LOOOOOOVEEEEEE..i think including this book i have...5 books on mythology xD (okay wait, 6 actually.the other book i bought had something to do with greek mythology XD) Yesh i love the stories of all the Gods and Goddess and the Heroes and Heroines and stories of great battles fought between men, countries hoping to expand their empire as well as fights between the gods and men..okay i should stop now XD and i should go to bed hahahaha XD G'night! Cyaaaa~
P/S : To ppl reading our posts(if there are any)...Commenttttttt pleaaase?XD hahahaha or else we feel like no one ish reading =OOO and that makes us SADDDDDDD and we dont feel like posting T___________T HAHAHAHAHAHA so yeah =P Sankk youuu!Leavee your comments =P (or i'll eat yer hats!XD okay that was random)
lol im forced 2 give a comment how sad =(((((((( nah js joking hahaha... nice book but i think its way 2 thick... n i dont think its cheap is it?? hahaha well i bought an investment book n i read onli 10 pages... =) n guess wat i lost it i dont have 2 read again hohohohoh ^.^v
you bought an investmesnt book?wow?for what tho?XD o.o Hahaha thanks for the comment =D yesh it is thick XD its got like 1140 pages?LOL and the words are so tiny XD LOL hahahaha guess it'll take me a few days to read x_X LOL
lol alley, i likethose two courses tooo so yeahs, cant decide..xP i am still indecisive.. even for other ppl..lols!
then start being more decisive =OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO XD hahahahhaa i mean what can you see me as?=P
A fren... a good fren... who is always there for ur buddies... n tease by anne alot o.o js guessing *wink wink*
HAHAHAHA XD LOL wth XD tease by her alot?XD LOL hahaha who told you that huh?XD o.o;; uless you were there during our excapade lunch thing with ting n joy n shiny they all?x_X
im not sure which one bo but all the best!!
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