Okay so back to the topic, the reason for this post is because recently while chatting with a 'friend who wished not to be named' , the said "person" asked me to blog about their prom experience (the MD prom thingy), so i shall attempt to write this thingy without revealing "person's" identity..So okay i dont know how to continue from here so i'll just post the uhhh convo that we had xD
"Person" says (4:11 PM): 0wh yea..i forgot 2 tell you my prom experience
"Person" says (4:11 PM): 0wh yea..i forgot 2 tell you my prom experience
LunarWings[X] says (4:11 PM): oo how was it?lol
"Person" says (4:14 PM): Boring
LunarWings[X] says (4:14 PM): o.o why?
"Person" says (4:14 PM): The prom ws $38 & its not worth it
LunarWings[X] says (4:14 PM): how come?o.o was it that boring?@.@
"Person" says (4:14 PM): The band ws cool but some songs sang it awful
"Person" says (4:15 PM): The music is booring
LunarWings[X] says (4:15 PM): O.ooooo
"Person" says (4:15 PM): The decoration is booring
"Person" says (4:15 PM): They 0nly deco tha place wit rose petals
LunarWings[X] says (4:15 PM): ooo..and thats not nice?
"Person" says (4:16 PM): Even on da dance floor making ppl nearly slipped while dancing including me n ("Person's" Friend who is the same gender)
LunarWings[X] says (4:16 PM): O.oooooo;
"Person" says (4:17 PM): Me n "Friend" ws dancing 2 thaa beat till "Friend's" heels slipped due 2 tha rose petals. I ws trying 2 hold her but den things went wrng
LunarWings[X] says (4:17 PM):wrong?what do ya mean wrong?
LunarWings[X] says (4:17 PM): you fall?apa?banana split?LOL
"Person" says (4:18 PM): Not fall..
"Person" says (4:18 PM): Em..we've 'TER'kissed
LunarWings[X] says (4:18 PM): O.O?! you ter-huh?????wahlau?
"Person" says (4:18 PM): Kissed as in tru lipz
"Person" says (4:18 PM): Haha..funny
LunarWings[X] says (4:19 PM): @.@
"Person" says (4:19 PM): I ter-kissed "Friend's" lipz n "Friend" got my teeth instead..ahahaha
LunarWings[X] says (4:19 PM): HAHAHAHA LOL?Thats just...like WTH?@@
"Person" says (4:20 PM): I hpe nobody see that wen it hpns
LunarWings[X] says (4:20 PM): Uhh...swt?
"Person" says (4:21 PM): Hehe..
"Person" says (4:21 PM): Aneway..
LunarWings[X] says (4:21 PM): That was weird @@..
"Person" says (4:21 PM): Embarassing uh?
"Person" says (4:21 PM): Ahahaha..
Okay "person" I blogged bout your experience already so now it's time to talk bout something else that i found sort of funny o.o; So uhh last week i think, Sora (i usually call her sis)..yesh so i havent talked to her in a while so i called her up and i dunno if she was being weird or what but she started talking bout being able to read people's butt's o.o; and the thing i found funny was that she mentioned a couple of girls in our school(no, not our friends just like random people lah) xD and started telling me about their butt's droopiness or whateverness(wasnt really listening cause i just kept laughing XD) and i dont mean to be MEAN but..who wouldnt laugh after hearing "That girl has got the BIGGEST GRANDMA's BUTT I've ever seen in my entire LIFE" (Quote SORA) and she continued with "Its so droopy and unteenage-like"..yeah that cracked me up xD..i have a weird sense of humour @@ oh well that just adds to my craziness XD
So today when I was in annez car, we were at the traffic light somewhere i forgot o.o; but she suddenly screamed and kept pointing forward, so i thought it was something on the road outside so i kept trying to look then outta nowhere a roach popped up right infront of her(inside the car near the err steering wheel thing?) and uhh LOL her reaction was just SOOO FUNNY!(HAHA lool "omg ali wht the fook!" << LOOOOOOL!!! BAHAHAHAHHA) yeah so she tried opening the window to get it out but it didnt wanna go out @@ so i was holding a tissue trying to grab it..but then it kept falling down n trying to run away(luckily the traffic light was red but unluckily i think people were watching us wondering why we keep opening and closing windows) so then we managed to get it out(just when the lights turned green too XD) bahaha but seriously y'know..that girl she cracks me up!XD maybe its weird saying this but its fun hanging out with her y'know?haha yeaaa if you're reading this LOL(Meh of course you are XD)..just wanted ya to know..its great having a friend like you LOL...right so now i gotta get ready for driving theory class(AGAIN T___T) so CYA! HAHAHA xD dammit im getting influenced by you @@
=O i noe whu de droopy grandma is!! ASK ME ASK ME!!!!!!! =pppppppppppp
i want see tat reaction xp
LOOOOL! droopy grandma?LOOOL...i will be killed if i reveal that info XD
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