It Sucked.So badly.(okay maybe not 2words XD)
I was the only one taking English today..that was a bummer @.@ ah well so i didnt think too much about it til i opened the question booklet thingy
Q1. what is this sign?

A. Slow Down
B. Nothing
C. Slow Down and give way
OBVIOUSLY its a roundabout sign.(ohkay the one here may not be triangle and yellow get the point)Then where is the freakin option that says ROUNDABOUT? the least they could do was put RECYCLE as an option cause ehhhh it looks pretty similar
Q2. What is this sign?
A.Dangerous bend/turn
B.Double bend right to left
C.Dangerous many bend/turn
(Okay lol i couldnt find the "dangerous double bends" the rectangle one and not the triangle one so yeah)So dangerous double bends just suddenly warps into 1 bend or many bends or double bends in the wrong direction =.=;;;; how the heck do you answer this?
Q.(i dont know what number and i dont care anyway)
What to do when overtaken?
A. Accelerate and give way to continue at that speed
B. Accelerate
C. Accelerate and signal to return to original lane when being overtaken
Now why the heck do you accelerate when a car is overtaking you?!you slow down and let the dude overtake right????
Z.O.M.G I am going to fail my driving law exam T______________T..Can i just go do this now? (see picture below)T_______________________T

(if this were a normal case it'd be a pic of jumping off a roof but since this is a car related case..what the heck T__T)
i took eng one be4..
so haha.. very baichi lol ~
when looks at the things u wrote..
just cant stop to laugh xD
Take bahasa melayu.SURE PASS!
i tot malay n we get 2 cheat during the exam xD
yesh de... hahahaha tutong mah dont expect much... hahahaha even during the road test n parking can cheat also xD but keep it low... i dont wan 2 get sued hahahahaha...
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