becos it's JAYDARLING<3's BIRTHDAY today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now yew all mite be thinking why, of all de ppl in de world, would i fall in LOVE wid him.. i get ppl asking wai i always go gaga over him.. and for this SPECIAL OCCASION, i shall reveal all de secrets!!! yeshhh!!! all the bu neng shuo de mi mi, or as i would like to call it beh tang kong eh mi mi =XXXXX please excuse my hokkien translation.. it might be cacat but please take note dat i'm happy wid it =ppppppp

and many more laaaaa.. i'll save de rest for nx time =ppppppppp
so darling is spending his bdae having his concert at singapore tonite..
so sry i couldnt make it there darling but i noe yew'll forgive me yes? next time haf a mini concert at my place or yours jus for me yess?? =pppppppppp
oh wells.. one yearolder maturer, one year DIAO-er yew are!!
so darling is spending his bdae having his concert at singapore tonite..

oh wells.. one year
muahahahah.. lols~
ur love for jay is like my love for uknow..xP
beh tang kong eh mi mi
lolx nopes!!!! my love for jay is wu yi lun bi.. knot compare wann!!!! and i love him much much dearest (insert all the mushy mushy words here) =pppppppppp
OOOMMMGGGG!!!!! hahahahahaaaaXP:P anyway the grey pic is very nice!
ehlaaaa.... lol~ my love for uknow also 'tidak boleh dibandingkan langit dan tanah' MUAHAHHAHA
o.o; war of the languages ka? 'kjbgi jkdhfiu dofjsoe ubsebfu' LOL XD (please ignore comment.i am just bored. xD)
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