Wednesday, 10 September 2008
cos tonite will be de nite dat i would fall for yew~ over again~
HAHA alley yew very cute can? go take so many pics of sydney manapun yew ledi at brisbane for lyk, wad, almost 3 months? n not a single pic of bris? tsk tsk tsk~ rember to take pics of your college ya.. & pls include *coughs* cute guys *coughs* in dere too ya.. [hi bee~ i love yew =p] HAHAHAHAHA
okae so, study life here is really quite hectic.. assignments n presentations due every now & then.. studying subjects dat are n are not related to de field of bisnes.. not enuf sleep.. not enuf tv.. not enuf sailormoon.. not enuf lululoo =(
oh oh! did i mention bout our library here? it's OMGly OMG.. many books la.. alot of varieties tim.. mr lulu has been spending alot of time here reading certain types of books =X HAHAHAHA
oo ley tell yew wad.. your bro's been into chess recently, don ask me wai.. si beh crazy.. i ask him wai de sudden urge to wanna join de club, he said dat being in it will make him look smart =.=" siao onot him HAHAHAHA
ba dis is jus a short update nia.. malas type liao.. i'm in de library now supposedly studying for my english test in an hour's time.. i hate tests.. i hate portfolio assignments of 10 ten sepuluh shi sab essays =.=" stupid =.=" =.="
ps: pics ya ley! =p mayi & ping~ mana lu lang? jin gu bo update liao.. come online soon ya mayi? =p loveloves~
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Okay so maybe its not exactly Sunday..
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Saturday, 12 July 2008
We born in Malaysia...Grow up in Brunei..Now left our family and study in Singapore RP. We have fun together and cried together(that was so embrassing yah.. shhh.. dun talk abt that anymore)
Hahahaha.. This was taken when i was helping out in my skol open house^^
This was taken in front the booth that I was helping out… BLACKLIGHT~

This is one of my new friends here.. A friendly kindhearted Vietnamese girl named TONI.. The best thing to come to Singapore is that I get to know friends from all over South East Asia. I made friends that come from Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Myanmar etc^^

and that... I cut my hair oh^^ shorter.. hahahahha.. not more look like a twins to Annez but to Alley now.. hahahhahahah.. cute mah?
That's all for today.. I am still not good on using language to communicate well.. so i will take more pictures and talk more about it next tym....
Friday, 27 June 2008
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
banar ke ni? =////
type *#06#
hmmm.. "very Bad quality and very dangerous for health!!!" ??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA =XXXXXXX
Thursday, 8 May 2008
I'M BACK!!!!
1) melvin
2) mayi
3) bo liao.......
this is gonna be a very un-interesting comeback.. not a hit, i must say.. it's more lyk britney's gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme....... YAAA i think yew get wad i mean.. but i lyk her.. well, at least i enjoy the news bout her from e! =pp
last nite i got a call all de way from nz, from de beloved mayi =DDDD she's lyk the ONLY existing species in this world that still calls me joannie =/ HAHAHAHA dat gurl very siao can? it's 1am their time and she has a lecture de next morning at 8 and she chose not to sleep.. instead, she rang me.. awwwww~ very sweet can? =pppppppppp
it's nice hearing from her actually, especially her rantings.. she banyak complain there.. weather no good, food no good yet expensive (the kolomee she had for dinner costs 7.90 and she claimed dat it's si beh pai jiak), and many more la.. i let her do de complains in her nx post, which i hope arrives soon =X LOLS
OHH and she might be coming back this nov.. *YAY* =DD and may be staying for 3 months, HOPEFULLY *DOUBLE YAY* =DD ley & ping, yew guys will be here too ryte? pls say yes =))) i miss yew guys laaaaa =(((((
mayi, i await yew punya coming back =DDDDDD
and last but not least, i predict that it'll take longggggggggggg for this blog to be updated after this post.. bo pian.. bo inspirations.. lu lang ai ho wa ideas bo? de winner will walk away with $50,000.. no fakes =X
ba, wa ai kia liao.. si beh sien..
Friday, 18 April 2008
I feel alive again:DD
the first wave of exams are finally over today so yeah we're all finally able to take a break
gosh its FREEZING COLD today!!! keeps raining the whole day gosh!!
i was watching a nice cartoon just now then then the ending clashed with my next lecture...its about a bone headed guy losing his memory stuffs..cute!
:(:(:(next time i balik brunei u ppl cannot forget me o:(((
recalling back to the flight: im still in a dream-like state when i boarded the flight:( everything just seems so unreal. the flight was ok.. at least we have tv on it so i dun really feel the timespan. the transit , arrival, assignation to hostels, cleaning up my room, visiting departments, getting up in the morning surprized by the different surroundings, running catch up labs, doing grocery shoppings, and walking..., then school starts..and thats basically everything oh i completely forgot about april fool...
miss u ppl a lot!!
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
I received msg from chiao hong today. Yeappy~ he is in sg now. I hope we will meet up. but we live quite far from each other though. haha. aiya~ y I keep writting this boring stuff......i having a video shotting tmw...but i somehow not sleepy at all... Goodness~ I m going to be panda bear tmw for the shotting. haha. I will try to grab some photos that how is my life being here n show to u all^^ Take cares lo~
Monday, 17 March 2008
new fone^^
me: why did you buy me a new phone?
mom: caz dad says it will be suitable for you.
o...k... im not sure if i understand though anyway im a complete idiot when it comes to these..kinds...of many many functions techs. but still im one happy girl^^
by the time i went to nz its the start of a 2 week long holiday...(holiday starts this friday) a.ha.ha. very very kek dao...lols
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Share a video I love so much
This is why I like him so much? Maybe...
He is so caring... haha..
N pls be patient for the buffering yah^^ tanQ
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
who is he? Didn't I just show him to all of u. His name is Fany. Haha..
What? Where did I show him? Cannot see meh? In the video I upload la... Isn't he cool and also cute............
Sunday, 9 March 2008
Me in SG
Sunday, 2 March 2008
random thoughts
reader's digest said u should let your cat seek you out instead of visiting him. cat Totoro. he got free meals and all the freedom and my love. i wonder if he got any fan nao? the dogs, maybe. still~ he even got pure white kittens. so uberly cute:P
im so envious with the new building in my previous previous school! its so so pretty! imagine doing homework in the library where you can look out to the scenery outside through the big big window...i wanna go in...
Friday, 29 February 2008
ya so all day buy these stuffs, and these 2 nights i stayed at home so BananaFreak you wanna come over to play wii? with Alison and Joan? you guys will be very welcomed:D just msg beforehand
lol i was chatting with this guy and we were talking about our physics tchers in md:
(he) says:
My physics teacher, Mr A. is an excellent person
i said:
my physics tcher, Mr B is an excellent tcher too haha
lots more compliments for Mr.A why not B? caz he so famous good liao no need me to advertise liao la:P lol kidding!
very rewarding to be a good tcher le if i were them i would be really touched lols
im trying to eat what i like in brunei caz i wont find the same taste if i went uni there
sugar bun burger
mamih nasi lemak
tofu flower
what else?
Monday, 25 February 2008
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
i dowanna grow up
alley's going to study in aussie and leaving in a few months' time..
ping might be going to singapore.. if so, she'll be leaving within a few weeks' time..
mayi was offered a scholarship from a nz uni.. and she's still deciding whether she shud go for it.. if so, she'll be leaving in ONE WEEK's time..
glo's going to study overseas as well.. it's jus a matter of time when she's leaving..
and as for myself, i'm still unsure of wad course i'm going to take up.. actuarial or accounting? i'm still unsure of wad kind of life i wanna live.. i'm still unsure whether i wan a reli good job wid reli good pay or jus live a simple life wid my family and earn a stable salary every month.. i feel lyk i've been taking a lot of things for granted.. i shud haf prepared earlier and decide which path i'm going to take.. now i feel so.. undecisive is de word =SSSSSSSS
i feel lyk we're not taught to prepare for our life after a-lvls.. i mean not all of us are 100% sure of wad course we wanna take.. nevertheless, we (de unprepared ones) haf ourselves to blame =X but us, at this age, with this limited period of time, to choose a degree course to decide wad our future is going to be like is jus.. well i dono the right word to use here but i jus feel lyk we haf too little time to decide for smth THIS big.. and as for those whu are already very sure of wad they're going to do and where they're going to go, good for yew! and no i'm not gonna say things lyk those nvr gif up blabla things.. but seriously, don gif up =X HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
it's time lyk these i wish i'm still a little kid.. no need to think so much and jus haf fun wid my frens.. jus lyk my days in md wid non other than the 4 beloved frens of mine and of course everyone else dat i shared laughter with throughout my school+college years..
althou we've been spending a lot of time together when we're in md.. see one another everyday lagi tu.. but i still feel de time we haf is lyk so limited.. i dowan them to leave so fast =((( i wish we still haf time to do things dat we've been planning to do since LONG LONG time ago which till now are still left undone..
i dowanna grow up so fast =(((((((((((((((
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Sunday, 3 February 2008
banananafreak =D
see! yew so special! i write a blog post JUST FOR YEW!!!! so yew shud be happy and i shall call yew with a very very cute cute name..
wid MANY MANY lovesss,
jayanne =D
Thursday, 31 January 2008
search for the OMG dat is spelt wrongly in de paragraph above =p HAHAHAHA
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!! de so many OMGs are actually for.. well nth not very important really =p actually.. my cute guy's fine so yaaa =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i LOVE this blog!! nx time if anything happens i'll jus write on this blog and then everything will be fine the very next day! i haf faith in yew, blog =D HAHAHAHAHAA
banananafreak: thanx for de comments yew've been flooding our blog with.. really really REALLY appreciate it.. and yes.. i don k if yew're bananafreak or BananaFreak or ????? jus keep de comments coming in yes? we'll love yew for dat!! =D or at least, alibatu will =ppppppp
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
i tried calling him and all i get is "sry de no. yew haf dialled is unreachable............." wad does it mean? he off-ed his fone? for 3 freaking days? no one in their right mind would do dat.. phone lost? no. can be retrieved ma!!
de last time i msg-ed with him was 3 nites ago when he was driving on his way home.. and since then no news =///////////
i know yew know what i'm thinking.. someone please get the negativities off me =SSSSSSSS
bananafreak: i dowan loans now! i wan news from him! =(((
it's times like these i really wish i own a gps system to track him down =((((((((
Career Choices? = Headaches x_X
Yesh and im stuck between these know why?XD I love languages, i love to write and i love to talk!XD that goes for option no.1. Then again I love travelling, I love Cooking =O(weird i know) and I love Food & Beverage management! So like i stuck lol..Can anyone see me doing any of these in the future?HAHAHA xD
I had some comments from a few friends tho ..Ping said me choosing hospitality and tourism is a good thing!cause whenever i tell her about food she says that she gets hungry and her stomach starts growling me talking to people can...make them hungry?LOL now thats the funniest comment i've ever heard XD Hahaha..then again, Leen said she cant see me doing these jobs so now im even more confused on what to take LOL, what to do what to do?what to choose what to choose?Anyone have any comments for these 2?Anyone at all?someone save me!XDXDXD
Actually, I'd have taken computer gaming or something but my math SUCKS(seriously it does o.o) My parents have always been good at math and yet, out comes me who is totally blank at math x_X really i try and try and tryyyy to get Math(im talking about pure math,stats and mechs i can grab) i just cant X_X so technically since computer stuffs need a GREAT deal of Math,i suppose i'd just be doing the same thing i did at A lvls which would be..sucking at it..because when people can do 7+5 in less than a second..i take like..3-4 LOL xD ah well enough bout math xD
I got a new book today!(2 actually but lol)and i'm in LOVE with it!(altho it weighs 2 kilograms x_X) and it costs relatively cheap for a book/dictionary of this size o.o; $62 bucks! hahaha XD (I know it looks small but believe me it isnt xD)
(when compared to the final harry Potter Book in size)
(compared to the harry potter book in thickness.okay i know its upside down but who cares XD)
Yesh if you saw the title of the book and was thinking "why in the world did you buy that book?" the answer is because i LOVE mythology..okay not LOVE..its more like LOOOOOOVEEEEEE..i think including this book i have...5 books on mythology xD (okay wait, 6 actually.the other book i bought had something to do with greek mythology XD) Yesh i love the stories of all the Gods and Goddess and the Heroes and Heroines and stories of great battles fought between men, countries hoping to expand their empire as well as fights between the gods and men..okay i should stop now XD and i should go to bed hahahaha XD G'night! Cyaaaa~
P/S : To ppl reading our posts(if there are any)...Commenttttttt pleaaase?XD hahahaha or else we feel like no one ish reading =OOO and that makes us SADDDDDDD and we dont feel like posting T___________T HAHAHAHAHAHA so yeah =P Sankk youuu!Leavee your comments =P (or i'll eat yer hats!XD okay that was random)
Monday, 28 January 2008
no, this isnt some suicide note o.o;
Okay today is a very uneventful day considering that i didnt go all(okay for dinner yes la but that was like what?40 mins?lol)So i had dinner at Hua Hua (bah kut teh FTW!) with my mom and my maid,aida.. cause my dad had some hospital function what not he had to go to..After i got back from that, my bro(tutong one) was on msn being his usual funny self and added 2 of my other friends(Ting and Joy) into the convo xD..Haha so we joked about this 'incident' involving Hamsters and Cd's(Hahaha xD im sure you know what i mean you guys =P) and their hmmm reputation in our school(MD that is) and stuffs XD...really they're nice(albeit a little cuckoo XD) people o.o; i wonder how the heck did some people come to misunderstand them so much o.O; but mehh its not my business to pry into what other people are thinking correct?XD so i guess we just gotta see how things build up from there..
So after Ting and Joy went to bed(that was about 10.30) I was back talking to my bro who then again invited his little brother and a few friends into the convo which somehow ended in me getting invited to his brother's bday party this thursday night lol(thanks for inviting me, di di XD)Anyone wanna come with me?XD(anyone at all?hahahaha xD)now i just gotta figure out howta get my butt over to tutong for that LOL xD and presents o.o; i forgot to ask what he likes!(goddamit XD) and i got to meet some of their other wacko friends(i mean that in a good, really XD)haha yeah anyway so bro and di di(my bro's lilbrother) mentioned a certain 'someone' who wanted to ________ their________ down(sorry to you other dudes but mehh i think this info shouldnt be said out...that openly) o.o some ppl are just so EMO y'know?
Um hm..Now that i think about it, i really a small problem can be blown up to XXXXL size due to a few rumours here and there that may/or may not even be true?its like "WAR OF THE WORDS" here or something..and really all the hating on each other thing should really stop y'know?WHERE IS TEH LOOOVE PPL?Just cause you're pissed doesnt mean you start a Full scale war or something right?o.o; plus i mean if the person apologized couldnt you like forgive and forget or something?Haha this kind of brings back some memories of when i was a kid(ohkay yeahhh i know im still a kid now but meh xD)..we had some really silly misunderstandings and its like "no i dont FRIEND YOU LIAO!" sorta thing xD Hahaha (childish i know XD but everyone goes thru that phase true?XD) tho i'm really glad all of us sorted it out ^^; cause we learn from our mistakes right?and not being friends actually kinda made us closer friends somehow in a weird and funny kind of way xD (something like that saying that goess...ehhh "absence makes the heart grow fonder"? ohkay so its not LOVE kinda love but its more of a friendship/brotherlysisterly/group love thing...ohkay im not making sense so..MOVING ON XD)
I really am glad to have met each and everyone of my friends(yesh that includes you, you, you, you, you and all of you XD) even though just for a brief moment..All of you, changed my life in one way or another, sorta helped mould me into what i am today!(yesh that sounded weird, like you all were sculptors or something xD)and yesh i get influenced by alot of you(for e.g annez's 'HAHAHA' that i cant seem to shake off o.o;;;;;;) so I just wanted to expresss my gratituuuuudeee and say THANK YOUUU to all of youuuuze!(and yesh that includes people who are hating on me right now(if there are any that is) o.o;;; im sure there are some hidden ones around?XD HAHAHAHAHA okay im being silly)
So anyways!Thank youuuuu alllll =D and ehh this post is weird...and very unlike me(or is it?o.O;)since im a very weird person xD so yeahh!Hahahaha =D I need candy..or coffee o.o;;; I NEED TO STAY AWAKE! =O -rushes off to raid the fridge- Seeee yahhh!
P/S: (to bro) HAH! THERE! SEEE! I POSTED! o.o; tho i never quite imagined it ending up so long o.o;;; LOL XD EIII when bring me limteh in your sports car or mercedes ah?XD LOOOOL so yeah you ask me post something and i did so COMMENT or i will make you into mince meat MWAHAHAHAHAHA!(i sound so scary i scare myself o.o; LOL XD)
Saturday, 26 January 2008
1'|\/| b31|\|9 r4|\|D0|\/| XP (I'm being random XD)
#0# 0{4% $0 1 4\/ b0r3P 4\P 1 -4\/3 4 $594r r5$-!(P53 70 -4\/1\9 \/r.$07% 1(3 (r34\/ 0r #5\(- 4 \/1\573 490 XP) $0 1 P3(1P3P 70 \/\/r173 7-1$ p0$7..4## 1\ 1337(#337 7-47 1$) -4-4-4 XP $0 %3$- 70P4% \/\/4$ 4 b0r1\9 P4% 0.0..1 \/\/4$ b5$% $#33p1\9 4\P Pr34\/1\9 4b057 00P(\/\/-47 3#$3?#0#) 7-3\ \/% \/0\/ -4P 70 (0\/3 1\ 4\P Pr49 \/3 05774 b3P 70 90 70 7-3 73\/p#3 7____7 \/% p3/-\(3p-_L $#33p 7____7 4- \/\/3##..7-3\ 47 4r05\P 91$- 4\\3 \/$93P \/3 4${1\9 1 1 \/\/4$ r33 4\P 4\/\/4{3 (45$3 $-3 \/\/4\73P 70 90 70 \/.0.3 4\P #473r 70 $(-00#..-4-4 $0 1 \/\/3\7 -0\/3 907 (-4\93P 4\P $-3 Pr0\/3 5$ 0\/3r 7-3r3 xP
\/\/3 907 {1\P4 #0$7..4941\ XP 4--4-4 \/\/3## \07 \/3r% #0$7 #4..\/\/3 j5$7 0r907 -0\/\/ 70 937 70 b#0({ ( XP b57 \/3- \/\/3 \/4P3 17 4\%\/\/4%..7-3 #4P% 47 7-3 (05\73r \/\/4$ 4(754##% \1(3(5\#1{3 \/0$7 \/\/-0 $(0\/\/# 47 %05 4\P 937 p1$$3P (45$3 7-3% 907 P\/$ 0r \/\/-473\/3r) 7-3 #4P% \/\/4$ 4(754##% 5\\% 4\P 5\/\/ \1(3 4\P $-3 3xp#41\3P $75 pr0p3r#% -4-4-4 $0 473r 7-47 \/\/3 \/\/3\7 70 $(-00#(\/P 7-47 1$)
\0 p4r{1\9 =.=; \/\/3 \/\/3\7 r05\P 3rrrr 5 71\/3$ 4\P $71## \0 p4r{1\9 $0 1\4##% \/\/3 P3(1P3P 70 p4r{ $0\/3\/\/-3r3 P0\/\/\$741r$ 4\P \/\/4#{ 5p 1\ 7-3 $5p3r -07 $5\ @@ 70P4% \/3r% -07 #4---! >< -4-4 $0 \/\/3 \/\/3\7 (4r33r$ P3p7..(4\\07 1\P \/% 9P 734(-3r 4\%\/\/-3r3 0.0 $0 \/\/3 90 {4(45 -3r 1\ (#4$$ -4-4-4-4..$-3 \/\/4$ 057$1P3 (#4$$ 7-0..-4-4 4\P $-3 $41P $-3'P \/337 5$ 1\ 10 \/1\573$ #0# $0 \/\/3 \/\/3\7 b4({ 70 \/\/417 0r -3r 47 7-3 (4r33r'$ p#4(3..7-3\ %34- $-3 74#{3P 70 j04\\3 4\P \/3 b31\9 \/% 5$54# (5r105$ $3#..{3p7 4${1\9 q53$710\$ -4-4-4 4\P 734(-3r \/\/4$ #1{3 "%05'r3 7-3 4${1\9 700 \/4\% q53$710\$ {1\P 0 p3r$0\" #0# -4-4-4
Lol okay so I am bored and i have a sugar rush!(due to having Mr.Softy Ice Cream for lunch a minute ago XD) so i decided to write this post..all in 1337(leet that is) hahaha XD so yesh today was a boring day o.o..i was busy sleeping and dreaming about food(what else?lol) then my mom had to come in and drag me outta bed to go to the temple T____T my peacefulsleep T____T ah well..then at around 9ish anne msged me asking if i was free and awake cause she wanted to go to M.O.E and later to school..haha so i went home got changed and she drove us over there xD
We got kinda lost..again XD ahhaha well not very lost la..we just forgot how to get to block C XD but meh we made it anyway..the lady at the counter was actually nice(unlike most who scowl at you and get pissed cause they got PMS or whatever) the lady was actually funny and umm nice and she explained stuff properly hahaha so after that we went to school(MD that is)
No parking =.=; we went round errrr 5 times and still no parking so finally we decided to park somewhere downstairs and walk up in the super hot sun @@ today very hot lahhh! INSERTED> [XD..haha so we went career's dept..cannot find my gp teacher anywhere 0.0 so we go kacau her in class HAHAHAHA..she was outside class tho..and she said she'd meet us in 10 minutes -ish so we went back to wait for her at the career's place..then later she talked to joanne and me being my usual curious self..kept asking questions HaHaHa and teacher was like "you're the asking too many questions type of person" LOOOL HAHAHA]
1 -4\/3 \07-1\9 70 P0 70P4% 7____7 4\P \/\/3## 1 33# $0 r13\P#3$$!(4\\32,1 7-1\{ %05'r3 7-3 0\#% 0\3 \/\/-0 {\0\/\/$ \/\/-47 1 \/34\ xP) -4-4 \/\/-1(- 1$ \/\/-% 7-1$ p4r7 1$ 90\\4 $74% #3373P XP -4-4-4 4- \/\/3## 1 b3773r r5\ b30r3 \/\/r171\9 \/0r3.....\/\/31rP $75 XP
Not So Translated XD :
I have nothing to do today T____T and well i feel so _______ (annez,i think you're the only one who knows what i mean xD) haha which is why this part is gonna stay leeted XD hahaha ah well i better run before writing more.....weird stuff XD Cya~
Edit : I just noticed after "today very hot lah" some stuff kena cut off due to my lame net connection XD so there i added it in liao hahaha XD
i love crabsticks!!! =D
aneways, stupid alley called me de other night, when everyone are supposed to be sleeping lyk a pig!! oh and before i go on, i should state that our blog is not halal.. so read at your own risk =X LOLS oh, at 3 effing A M!!!!! telling me she's HUNGRYY!!!!! and wanted me to drive her out to EATT!!!!!! who in their right minds will actually go to her place and drive her out to eat at 3am??? not me!! i hafta get my beauty sleep and get ready see my cute guy the next day lagi tu!! so i left her starving at home in de middle of the night!! so evil of
there's a computer exhibition taking place in the mall currently.. those of yew wanting to buy a computer/notebook/laptop/handtop/headtop, just head out to the mall and get one.. and don forget to loan it from JOANNE yes? oh, still wearing the xmas tree top if yew're wondering =ppppp
and this time, i'm not going to chase ppl for loans ledi.. i figured out a better tactic!! inspired from de beloved sally and jenny =DDD we hafta keep our customers intact! jus like the spider doing their web thingie, yes! i haven tried it yet but i think i'm going to fail miserably at it.. and the idea is really stupid btw =p
anyone willing to share any ideas of trapping a customer to get loan from me? hypnotising? anythinggg?? i'm still desperate =( HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Now this totally sucks T___T
It Sucked.So badly.(okay maybe not 2words XD)
I was the only one taking English today..that was a bummer @.@ ah well so i didnt think too much about it til i opened the question booklet thingy
Q1. what is this sign?

A. Slow Down
B. Nothing
C. Slow Down and give way
OBVIOUSLY its a roundabout sign.(ohkay the one here may not be triangle and yellow get the point)Then where is the freakin option that says ROUNDABOUT? the least they could do was put RECYCLE as an option cause ehhhh it looks pretty similar
Q2. What is this sign?
A.Dangerous bend/turn
B.Double bend right to left
C.Dangerous many bend/turn
(Okay lol i couldnt find the "dangerous double bends" the rectangle one and not the triangle one so yeah)So dangerous double bends just suddenly warps into 1 bend or many bends or double bends in the wrong direction =.=;;;; how the heck do you answer this?
Q.(i dont know what number and i dont care anyway)
What to do when overtaken?
A. Accelerate and give way to continue at that speed
B. Accelerate
C. Accelerate and signal to return to original lane when being overtaken
Now why the heck do you accelerate when a car is overtaking you?!you slow down and let the dude overtake right????
Z.O.M.G I am going to fail my driving law exam T______________T..Can i just go do this now? (see picture below)T_______________________T

(if this were a normal case it'd be a pic of jumping off a roof but since this is a car related case..what the heck T__T)