i shall start with our so called "nicknames" now.. for unknown reasons, alison was given de name stone.. i think it's smth to do with alicia silverstone? lolx penguin ping & mayi got theirs for very obvious reasons and yet, all they can come up for me is ju-on =.="" i mean, c'mon man! how uncreative can they be =p after all, i came wid all those cute cute unique names for them and all they can come up for me is this =( even hello kitty's name can put my oh-so-not-creative-and-scary name to shame..

neways, speaking of hello kitty.. i'm quite envious of those who were given cartoon names by their parents. for example, we have melvin felix tew, as in felix the cat.. maybe i shud call myself joanne hello kitty chau.. OMG so cute! =X HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA then alison can be alison flintSTONE thaw =O ping could be yve ninja TURTLE phang? HAHA mayi could as well be atom ANT limayi HAHA me with my oh-so-creative mind (ehsehhhhh!!) lolx
somehow, i came up wid de name jayanne for VERY obvious reasons. if yew do not know of de origins of de name den it's very weird of yew =X HAHA it's a mixture of jaydarling<3 and me =D

and once again, i came up wid smth very very nice.. jiewen which meant "kiss" in english.. and apparently jiewen's in de lyrics of 甜甜的 which me LOVES.. so cute laaaaa *jiuuuuu* =DDDDD
den somehow, he came up wid chuan wen for us.. rumours.. which, to me, is so lame =p HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA den he sticked to using jay sia which is rather inappropriate if yew ask me =p
any interesting names of yours yew would lyk to share wid us?
ok since i'm blogging i figured out i shud actually use normal english.. lyk instead of "yew" i shall try my VERY best to rewrite it as "you" i mean i've been stucked wid it for years liao.. can't jus shed off de habit jus lyk dat no? and everything shud be.. at least on de normal side.. and as for de two dots ting at de end of every sentence.. it's rather annoying if yew see dat in a blog.. sooooooo i'll do smth bout dat, little by little.. well as yew can see, i'm improving.. i used commas now! =D don't yew jus feel SOO happy for me? =ppppppppppp
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