since it's been raining these days.. quite heavily lagi.. reminds me of de tv show i watched de other day on discovery (ya i noe.. nerdy.. but it's interesting =X) n it was talking bout de moon.. how it affects de earth n stuffs..
if yew knot stand having anything to do wid science since it's de holidays den.. don read? =p
it started talking bout when de earth n moon being in line wid de sun.. yew get a full moon.. lyk in de lunar calendar when there's a chu 1 and chu 15 (i tink)

when this happens, disasters occur.. betcha didn't noe dat volcano eruptions as well as earthquakes (i'm talking bout large scale here) haf anything to do wid dis, or do yew? =/ a scientist studied de lunar phase and predicted dat dere'll be a huge earthquake by de end of 2004.. and BOOM! dere yew haf it.. de tsunami dat struck in dec 2004..

we knot deny de power of de moon now, can we? not enuf evidence? read on..
de behaviour of animals is affected, especially mammals.. dey're noticeably different during this time.. and when talking bout full moon, one will never miss de werewolf..

althou it's just a myth but ppl still believe in deir existance during de full moon looking for preys.. de full moon helps stir up de predators' appetite n dey come out to find food.. so when yew realised dat yew've eaten a lot, blame de full moon (even if it's not full dat nite =p)
and as for us humans, crime rates oso increased.. people in de psychiatric ward go wild(?) during this time too.. meaning more jobs for doctors, nurses, policemen, firemen, ER-ers, etc.. if yew're one, or will ever be one, make sure yew take your leave on full moon days =p
"It is crazy out here. Tonight must be a full moon," a police officer stated.
fact or jus plain coincidence? yew decide. =D
and before i end dis post, i shall wish yew all a very merry christmas!
Cuteeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I reli didnt noe tat... Perhaps tat is y recently there is an earthquake somwer...opps.. forgot...hehe.. Bless the citizen there are all safe and happy in the special day today =) May all the wishes come true..
scary!!its scary!!!:P i think my bio teacher mentioned that once, so he goes easy on students acting wild on those days:P yes, merry christmas everybody!:D
yups. i read about the animal behavior and the crimes over the net, if im not wrong, it is =D The disaster thing is something new to me tho.
congrats on the first post. GOOD FIND
good find? don yew mean good brain? HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA =p
y'know i seriously get creeped out by werewolves yes?argh @@ image stuck in my head =O all your fault T____T
hahaha sry luuu.. i forgot dat yew scad of werewolves.. don wry.. i'll put more pics of werewolves up MORE OFTEN =DDDDDDDD
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